Ethiopian and Eritrean Languages

Ethiolocale Language and Digital Solutions plc can help you reach over 97% of Ethiopian and Eritrean speakers by translating your content into over 87 languages and over 240 language pairs.

Ethiopian Languages

The population of Ethiopia is estimated to be 127 million as of August 2023. This makes Ethiopia the 11th most populous country in the world and the 2nd most populous in Africa after Nigeria. The population growth rate is 2.6%, which is one of the highest in the world. The median age is 18.8 years, which is relatively young.

The majority of the population of Ethiopia is rural, with only 22.1% living in urban areas. The largest city is Addis Ababa, the capital, with a population of over 4 million people. The population of Ethiopia is very diverse, with over 80 ethnic groups speaking over 86 languages. The largest ethnic group is the Oromo, followed by the Amhara and the Somali. The official language of Ethiopia is Amharic, but English is widely spoken in business and government.

Ethiopia is a country with a rich linguistic diversity. There are over 86 different languages spoken in Ethiopia, making it one of the most linguistically diverse countries in the world. The many languages of Ethiopia reflect the country’s rich cultural diversity. Each language has its own unique history, grammar, and vocabulary. The languages of Ethiopia are a valuable part of the country’s heritage and contribute to its rich cultural landscape.

According to data from the 2021 Ethnologue, the following are the largest spoken languages in Ethiopia:

  • Oromo speakers numbering more than 36 million speakers;
  • Amharic speakers numbering 31,800,000;
  • Somali speakers numbering 6,720,000;
  • Tigrinya speakers numbering 6,390,000;
  • Sidama speakers numbering 4,340,000;
  • Wolaytta speakers numbering 2,380,000;
  • Sebat Bet Gurage speakers numbering 2,170,000;
  • Afar speakers numbering 1,840,000 and others cover over 16,127,058 million speakers.

The English language is one of the most widely spoken and influential languages in the world. It is the primary language of communication in various fields such as business, science, technology, and diplomacy. With over 1.5 billion speakers globally, it serves as a bridge between different cultures and enables people from diverse backgrounds to connect and understand each other. English is also the official or secondary language in many countries, making it an essential tool for international communication and global opportunities. 

Afar is an Afroasiatic language belonging to the Cushitic branch. It is spoken by the Afar people inhabiting Djibouti, Eritrea and Ethiopia. There are an estimated 2.5 million Afar speakers worldwide. Afar is a tonal language, meaning that the pitch of a syllable can change the meaning of a word. It is also a verb-final language, meaning that verbs always come at the end of a sentence. Afar has a rich oral tradition, and there is a growing body of literature in the language.

The Anuak language is a Luo language belonging to the western Nilotic branch of the Nilotic language family. It is spoken primarily in the western part of Ethiopia and also in South Sudan by the Anuak people. Other names for this language include Anyuak, Anywa, Yambo, Jambo, Yembo, Bar, Burjin, Miroy, Moojanga, and Nuro. The Anuak language is tonal, with three tones: high, low, and falling. It has a complex noun class system, with 17 noun classes.

Amharic is a Semitic language spoken by over 22 million people, mostly in Ethiopia. It is the official language of Ethiopia and one of the two most widely spoken languages in the country (the other being Oromo). Amharic is written using a modified form of the Ge’ez script, which is also used to write other Ethiopian languages such as Tigrinya and Tigré. Amharic has a rich and complex grammar, with a system of noun cases, verb conjugations, and prepositions.

The Oromo language (Afaan Oromo) is an Afroasiatic language that belongs to the Cushitic branch. It is spoken predominantly by the Oromo people, who are the largest ethnic group in Ethiopia. Oromo is also spoken by smaller numbers of people in Kenya and Somalia. Oromo is a tonal language, which means that the pitch of the voice changes to convey meaning. It is also an SOV language, which means that the basic word order is subject-object-verb.

The Nuer language (Thok Naath) is a Nilotic language of the Western Nilotic group. It is spoken by the Nuer people of South Sudan and in western Ethiopia (region of Gambela). The language is very similar to Dinka and Atuot.Nuer has a complex inflectional system, with a large number of noun classes and verb conjugations. The language also has a rich tonal system, with four tones that can affect the meaning of words.

Somali is an East Cushitic language spoken by about 25 million people, primarily in Somalia, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Yemen. It is also spoken by members of the Somali diaspora in other parts of the world. Somali is an official language of Somalia and Djibouti.Somali is a tonal language, which means that the pitch of a syllable can change the meaning of a word.

Tigrinya is an Ethio-Semitic language spoken by about 9.8 million people in Eritrea and northern Ethiopia. It is the most widely spoken language in Eritrea, where it is the official language along with Arabic. Tigrinya is also one of the nine official languages of Ethiopia.Tigrinya is written in the Ge’ez script, which is also used for other Ethiopian languages such as Amharic and Geez. Tigrinya has a rich vocabulary and grammar, and it is used for both everyday communication and formal writing.

Arabic Language Services

Arabic is one of the oldest and most widely spoken languages in the world, with over 420 million native speakers across the Middle East, North Africa, and other regions. As a result, there is a growing demand for Arabic language services to help individuals and businesses communicate effectively with Arabic-speaking audiences. Ethiolocale Language and Digital Solutions Agency is a leading provider of language services, including Arabic language services. Our team of experienced linguists and professionals are dedicated to providing high-quality language solutions to individuals and businesses alike. We understand the importance of effective communication in today’s globalized world, and we strive to help our clients bridge language barriers and connect with audiences around the world.

Our Arabic language services include translation, interpretation, localization, voiceover, and transcription services, among others. We work with native Arabic speakers who have a deep understanding of the language and culture, ensuring that our clients receive accurate and culturally appropriate translations and interpretations. Whether you are looking to expand your business into Arabic-speaking markets or simply want to improve your Arabic language skills, Ethiolocale Language and Digital Solutions plc is here to help. Contact us today to learn more about our Arabic language services and how we can help you achieve your goals.

Eritrean Languages

Eritrea is a multilingual country with nine recognized languages. The most widely spoken language is Tigrinya, which is the official language of the country and is spoken by around 50% of the population. Tigrinya is also spoken in neighboring Ethiopia and Sudan. It has its own unique script and is written from left to right. Other languages spoken in Eritrea include Tigre, Saho, Afar, Bilen, Nara, and Kunama.

Tigre is another important language in Eritrea and is spoken by around 30% of the population. It is closely related to Tigrinya and is also written in the same script. Tigre is primarily spoken in the western and northwestern parts of the country. Saho is spoken by around 3% of the population and is mainly spoken in the coastal areas of Eritrea. It has its own unique script, which is written from left to right.

The diversity of languages in Eritrea reflects the country’s rich cultural heritage and history. Each language has its own unique characteristics and cultural significance, and they are an important part of Eritrea’s identity. Despite the linguistic diversity, there is a strong sense of national unity among Eritreans, who are proud of their country’s heritage and culture.

We support the following languages:





























Oromo/Afan Oromo













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